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  1.  ┌───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
  2.  │                         2 - Business Applications                         │
  3.  └───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
  5. ACE100.ZIP     137034  10-20-93  The Annuity Ace v1.00b: Produces table       
  6.                                | of immediate & split annuities (Savings,     
  7.                                | IRA, 401K, etc). Handles variable            
  8.                                | deposits, rates, loads, etc.                 
  9. ALRMPR14.ZIP   320956  09-24-93  Alarm Pro 1.4b: 32 bit OS/2 calendar         
  10.                                | program includes contact management,         
  11.                                | appointments, events, todo lists, alarm      
  12.                                | clock, etc., nice fixes a but in 1.4.        
  13. AM2020.ZIP     364234  10-26-93  AutoMessage v2.0! Professional graphic       
  14.                                | messages. Has 5 fonts,optional password      
  15.                                | protection, a QuickShow feature, and         
  16.                                | some bug fixes.  Registered version has      
  17.                                | 10  fonts, a GIF and PCX intermission        
  18.                                | viewer, a text to message converter,         
  19.                                | DOS message player, background music.        
  20.                                | Very nice software! A Shareware Express      
  21.                                | President's Pick!                            
  22. AMBIZ31.ZIP    152683  06-01-93  AMWAY Product Distributors! AMBIZ-PAK        
  23.                                | v3.1 for IBM (Continental USA only).         
  24.                                | Registration includes latest product         
  25.                                | price files. Order Processing, 12-Column     
  26.                                | Ledger, Customer Invoice, Monthly Bonus      
  27.                                | Record, Speed-Letter, Mailing Labels, PV     
  28.                                | Maximizer and Inventory Worksheet.           
  29.                                | MS-DOS 3.2+ required, but hard disk or       
  30.                                | graphics NOT required.Printer required       
  31.                                | for some programs.                           
  32. AMORTZ15.ZIP   115898  10-26-93  AMORTZ v1.5: Calculate & print loan          
  33.                                | amortization schedules. Quite                
  34.                                | rudimentary.                                 
  35. APR103A.ZIP    140488  08-09-93  Apropos v1.03 Contact Manager: Organize      
  36.                                | contacts, activities, to-do's, and           
  37.                                | documents. Offers user-defined reports,      
  38.                                | file compression for backups and             
  39.                                | transfers, international date format         
  40.                                | support, addresses and phone numbers,        
  41.                                | User's Manual, industry standard             
  42.                                | CUAuser interface, with pulldown menus,      
  43.                                | buttons, Windows, and online help.           
  44. APTRNT10.ZIP    58670  06-02-93  Apartment Renter v1.0 replace pegboard       
  45.                                | accounting.                                  
  46. AS202SW.ZIP     99788  09-04-93  Appointment Scheduler v2.02: A small         
  47.                                | business or personal appointment             
  48.                                | scheduling program. 7: 00am to 11: 00pm      
  49.                                | in 15 minute increments. Print schedule,     
  50.                                | pop-up calculator and much more.             
  51. AZA.ZIP        227755  06-03-93  The A-Z ACCOUNTING System is an              
  52.                                | integrated accounting system which           
  53.                                | handles checkbook & general ledger,          
  54.                                | billing & accounts receivable,               
  55.                                | disbursements & accounts payable,            
  56.                                | pricelist & inventory, invoicing,            
  57.                                | employees, and time clock. The system        
  58.                                | features full documentation of all           
  59.                                | program functions.                           
  60. BF325C.ZIP     122114  06-30-93  BigFin v3.25C: practical, multi-purpose      
  61.                                | finance program; Gary D. Moore.              
  62. BILLTIM4.ZIP   242506  09-20-93  BillTime v3.0 Time & billing for             
  63.                                | businesses and professionals. Excellent      
  64.                                | for consultants and for anyone who makes     
  65.                                | money with time. Easy to use, many fine      
  66.                                | features.                                    
  67. BIZPLN27.ZIP   245108  07-05-93  BUSINESS PLAN MASTER v2.7: Every             
  68.                                | business needs a business plan, Fortune      
  69.                                | 500 or Mom & Pop. Investors demand them!     
  70.                                | These complete template files will save      
  71.                                | weeks of time. All  financial reports        
  72.                                | and analysis (cash flow, income              
  73.                                | statements, balance sheets ratios, etc)      
  74.                                | Excellent for service and product            
  75.                                | businesses. Files in WP 5.1, Word/Win        
  76.                                | Works, 1-2-3, Excel  formats.                
  77. BPLANDEV.ZIP   201656  05-15-93  B/PLAN DEVELOPER: Nuts & Bolts Planning      
  78.                                | Guide v3.0. For start-up financing or        
  79.                                | expansion (even from the SBA), you need      
  80.                                | a compelling proposal to succeed. With       
  81.                                | this comprehensive tool, you can develop     
  82.                                | a winning business plan that attracts        
  83.                                | money, tailored to your specific             
  84.                                | business concept and financing needs.        
  85.                                | More than just "fill-in the-blanks,"         
  86.                                | write a full plan like a pro!                
  87. BUSPIM40.ZIP   167813  08-08-93  Business StartManager v4.0: PIM that         
  88.                                | contains a phonebook, calendar, to do        
  89.                                | list, reminder, journal, daily planner       
  90.                                | and more.                                    
  91. BZPLN21A.ZIP   257512  07-15-93  BUSINESS PLAN MASTER v2.1 - PC. Provides     
  92.                                | structured framework for developing your     
  93.                                | own professional business plan. Most of      
  94.                                | the work has been done for you. Fill in      
  95.                                | the blanks or edit. Files pre-formatted      
  96.                                | in WP 5.1, MSWorks and ASCII text.           
  97.                                | Spreadsheets Lotus, MS Works generate        
  98.                                | FIN reports,analysis.                        
  99. CALMIN30.ZIP   106998  07-11-93  CALMINDER v3.0: a calendar-reminder          
  100.                                | program; simply input your reminders and     
  101.                                | date/time and CALMINDER will do the          
  102.                                | dirty work - create daily, weekly,.          
  103.                                | Reports, produce valuable  printouts,        
  104.                                | make forecasts, and advanced features;       
  105.                                | menu-driven and has mouse-support; Jeff      
  106.                                | J. Brown.                                    
  107. CARTBLAC.ZIP   225466  07-01-93  Sales person contact manager program.        
  108. CASHC10.ZIP    231459  06-01-93  Cash Control v1.0 1st Release ASP CC is      
  109.                                | a personal or small business checkbook       
  110.                                | program designed for those who find most     
  111.                                | finance programs confusing. It is loaded     
  112.                                | with  features for small business yet        
  113.                                | simple to learn. The setup prints a          
  114.                                | personal guide to use while installing       
  115.                                | your own accounts and bank info. The         
  116.                                | program features split accounts, budget      
  117.                                | help, check printing and more.               
  118. CCCHKR.ZIP      77266  06-01-93  Credit Card Checker. Validates credit        
  119.                                | card numbers in your order entry program     
  120.                                | eliminating any errors in transposing        
  121.                                | credit card number when taking  orders       
  122.                                | on the phone, may it be the callers          
  123.                                | mistake or the order entry person.           
  124. CJPOS131.ZIP   271630  07-25-93  Cjpos is A Complete Point-Of-sale            
  125.                                | Program For Small Businesses. This           
  126.                                | Extremely Easy-To-use Program Will           
  127.                                | Write Invoices or Estimates, Track           
  128.                                | Invoices And Salespersons, Perform           
  129.                                | Sales Analysis, Handle Accounts              
  130.                                | Receivable/Payable, And Keep A Prospect      
  131.                                | Database.                                    
  132. CJPOS160.ZIP   292488  11-01-93  A complete point-of-sale program for         
  133.                                | small businesses. Extremely easy-to-use      
  134.                                | program writes invoices or estimates,        
  135.                                | tracks inventory and salespersons,           
  136.                                | perform sales analysis for any period,       
  137.                                | handle accounts receivables/payables,        
  138.                                | and keeps a customer database.               
  139. CLCK24.ZIP     229450  08-18-93  TimeCapture v2.4: An easy-to-use             
  140.                                | employee time clock with a password-         
  141.                                | protected file manager. It ensures           
  142.                                | employees remember to record all times       
  143.                                | by "reminding" them when they forget. At     
  144.                                | your discretion, you can allow employees     
  145.                                | to log in "forgotten" times themselves.      
  146.                                | Context-sensitive help  screens              
  147.                                | throughout.                                  
  148. CM201SW.ZIP    203114  08-30-93  Contact Manager v2.01: A mouse-aware         
  149.                                | contact management tool for small to         
  150.                                | mid-size businesses and individuals.         
  151.                                | Zipcode sorting, labels, mail merge,         
  152.                                | comments, 3 contact names, phones,           
  153.                                | titles, follow-up date, topics and           
  154.                                | groups.                                      
  155. CPLUS25.ZIP    314612  08-16-93  Contact Plus Personal v2.5: award-           
  156.                                | winning! Full support for WordPerfect        
  157.                                | 6.0 form letters and mail-merge. Import.     
  158.                                | Still: auto-dialer, user defined fields      
  159.                                | categories, memory resident (TSR), Avery     
  160.                                | mailing labels, ticklers, reminders,         
  161.                                | history graph, call analysis reports, 24     
  162.                                | categories, holidays, databases,             
  163.                                | automated follow-up schedules,  history.     
  164. CRAFTR16.ZIP   314955  08-28-93  CrafTracker v1.60: home business             
  165.                                | manager for sole proprietors of small        
  166.                                | business to track sales, expenses,           
  167.                                | purchases, inventory, customers,             
  168.                                | accounts receivable/payable;  generates      
  169.                                | specific figures for Schedule C; very        
  170.                                | easy to set up and use.                      
  171. CVBVID1.ZIP    305506  08-31-93  CVB: A total Video Retail Software           
  172.                                | Package.                                     
  173. DAS245.ZIP     180553  05-03-93  Decision Analysis System v2.45. Two          
  174.                                | programs for evaluating alternatives.        
  175. DAY53.ZIP      377915  01-15-94  Daily Calendar v5.3: Appointment             
  176.                                | calendar, name/address database, phone       
  177.                                | dialer, to-do-lists. Allows extensive        
  178.                                | notes to be associated with entries.         
  179.                                | Prints labels, and has extensive             
  180.                                | printer support.                             
  181. DAYCAR10.ZIP    41310  07-24-93  DayCare" Information Mangement System        
  182.                                | Full record keeping for home, business,      
  183.                                | or corporate day care centers. Red Cross     
  184.                                | specs. Attendance, health, permissions,      
  185.                                | organized by  group. Compact - for any       
  186.                                | DOS computer. Easy to learn, quick to        
  187.                                | use.                                         
  188. DIALOG21.ZIP   233303  05-30-93  DiaLog 2.11 is a phone dialer, logger,       
  189.                                | stopwatch, spec touch tone svc, 2 addr       
  190.                                | bks, print envelopes, create help files.     
  191.                                | Calculator, alarm clock, editor, screen      
  192.                                | saver. Use 1-800-Egg-Head, redial on         
  193.                                | busy, Tone or Pulse, change Sys time.        
  194.                                | Usable with or w/o modem. Logs Date,         
  195.                                | Time, Name, Number, Minutes, Job Code,       
  196.                                | City, State, Company,  Purpose.              
  197. ECON0493.ZIP    70803  07-02-93  ECON: Econometric Forecasting Econ           
  198.                                | forecasts S&P 500, T Bond and T Bill         
  199.                                | interest rates, and inflation. Once a        
  200.                                | month you enter 8 numbers and get            
  201.                                | statistically optimized forecasts for 3      
  202.                                | months, 6 months, and 12 months in the       
  203.                                | future. An asset allocation routine          
  204.                                | tells you how much of each asset to          
  205.                                | hold with conservative and aggressive        
  206.                                | strategies.                                  
  207. EDIARY.ZIP     176187  05-24-93  Electronic Diary is an appointment           
  208.                                | scheduling program.                          
  209. EMJR125.ZIP     51594  04-09-93  Dial The Post Office To Get Zip Code.        
  210. ETF93A.ZIP     343306  11-14-93  ETF93A.ZIP v1.2 (1 of 2): Electronic         
  211.                                | Tax Filing '93. A full-featured software     
  212.                                | package for filing your tax returns          
  213.                                | electronically to the IRS. Handles all       
  214.                                | forms, schedules, statements and even        
  215.                                | comes with an 8453 form!                     
  216. ETF93B.ZIP      71305  11-13-93  Electronic tax filing software for the       
  217.                                | individual taxpayer 1040 series of tax       
  218.                                | forms. (Part 2 of 2)                         
  219. EZASSET.ZIP    176825  06-18-93  Easy to use asset record keeping and         
  220.                                | cataloging program with complete             
  221.                                | reporting capabilities.                      
  222. EZCASHV1.ZIP   209336  07-28-93  Great cash register program for most         
  223.                                | small businesses. Uses standard dbase        
  224.                                | files for storage. User friendly, easy       
  225.                                | to set up.                                   
  226. EZTAS13.ZIP    185791  11-18-93  The EZ-est Task & Call manager               
  227.                                | available. You enter the tasks that need     
  228.                                | to be completed and the people you need      
  229.                                | to call. EZ-Task will dial your contacts     
  230.                                | and date & time stamp all  of your           
  231.                                | transactions. You Can then print a           
  232.                                | history log of completed tasks and a         
  233.                                | current "To Do" list all at the push of      
  234.                                | the button. Incorporated.                    
  235. FGH303B.ZIP    202633  11-20-93  Fastgraph/Help v3.03b: A hypertext help      
  236.                                | system for Fastgraph. Use standalone or      
  237.                                | as a TSR. Hotkeys will invoke context-       
  238.                                | sensitive help, jumps to example source      
  239.                                | code, cut and paste source code into         
  240.                                | your editor. Wide-area Beta version.         
  241.                                | Copyrighted freeware.                        
  242. FINWZ535.ZIP   138810  06-05-93  FINANCIAL WIZARD (TM): A very powerful,      
  243.                                | easy to use investment & loan analysis       
  244.                                | program that calculates dozens of            
  245.                                | personal and business financial              
  246.                                | situations with ease. Amortization,          
  247.                                | future and present values, depreciation,     
  248.                                | & date calculations, & more. Full with       
  249.                                | exceptional documentation make this a        
  250.                                | first rate program.                          
  251. FLXBI52.ZIP    236371  10-31-93  FLEXIBILL 5.2.  This program does not        
  252.                                | do standard accounting. This is just         
  253.                                | right for an individual or small             
  254.                                | business;  It's simple to understand,        
  255.                                | fast, and user-friendly.                     
  256. FMLAPOL.ZIP     20816  10-15-93  Boiler plate Family and Medical Leave        
  257.                                | Act (FMLA) policy in both Word Perfect       
  258.                                | and Ami Pro format for use for               
  259.                                | distribution to employees by employers;      
  260.                                | especially useful for Personnel or           
  261.                                | Human Resources people.                      
  262. FUNDSRCH.ZIP   163542  06-01-93  FundSearch allows the user to                
  263.                                | graphically analyze over 2500 funds. The     
  264.                                | Shareware version has 600 funds - since      
  265.                                | the full 2500 funds would be too large       
  266.                                | to be a practicable  download. This          
  267.                                | program allows the user to add his own       
  268.                                | notes to each fund for future reference.     
  269.                                | The programs allows the user to              
  270.                                | graphically display over 200 funds on        
  271.                                | one  screen.                                 
  272. FW540.ZIP      121415  06-15-93  FINANCIAL WIZARD v5.4: Powerful, easy-       
  273.                                | to-use investment and loan analysizer        
  274.                                | that calculates dozens of personal and       
  275.                                | business financial situations with           
  276.                                | ease. Amortization, future and present       
  277.                                | values, depreciation, and date               
  278.                                | calculations are just a fraction of the      
  279.                                | options the program can calculate.           
  280. HOTP104D.ZIP   162676  09-12-93  HOT OPERATOR! Multi-user unattended          
  281.                                | production job scheduler! Turns a            
  282.                                | dedicated PC into a complete operations      
  283.                                | staff. Run nightly production based on       
  284.                                | time or interval  - even check for           
  285.                                | successful completion and reschedule if      
  286.                                | necessary. Great for client/server           
  287.                                | operations!                                  
  288. ICP95.ZIP      531164  08-15-93  ICP v9.5: General purpose inventory          
  289.                                | control program with modules to sell,        
  290.                                | order, and receive inventory. Tracks         
  291.                                | orders, backorders, purchase orders,         
  292.                                | inventory balances, item histories, and      
  293.                                | vendors. Supports serialized and             
  294.                                | composite inventory, multiple locations,     
  295.                                | LIFO, FIFO and weighted average costing.     
  296.                                | Can be upgraded to full Point-of-sale        
  297.                                | with no loss of data.                        
  298. INDONESA.ZIP   252909  06-01-93  INDONESIA TRADE DIRECTORY ON DISK.           
  299.                                | Import/export directory covers               
  300.                                | companies, products, regulations,            
  301.                                | marketing, and more.                         
  302. INT233.ZIP     154651  10-20-93  THE INTEREST ANALYZER v2.33: Produces        
  303.                                | professional schedules & illustrations       
  304.                                | for savings, annuities, loans, mortgages     
  305.                                | and depreciation. Variable deposits,         
  306.                                | withdrawals, payments, interest rates, &     
  307.                                | compound methods. Tax analysis, COLA,        
  308.                                | loan acceleration. Handles multiple          
  309.                                | clients. Side by Side comparisons.           
  310.                                | Illustration detail is monthly - annual,     
  311.                                | calendar or fiscal.                          
  312. JSPICK10.ZIP    40174  09-09-93  JSPick v1.0 checks ASCII files, such as      
  313.                                | those exported from mailing list             
  314.                                | programs, for duplicate entries.             
  315. KATE130.ZIP    276536  10-06-93  KATE WORKPLACE v1.30: Comprehensive          
  316.                                | Organizer and Desktop Manager with           
  317.                                | simple but powerful user interface and       
  318.                                | plenty of online help. Includes Editor,      
  319.                                | Notepads, clipboard, Macros, Text & Hex      
  320.                                | Viewers, File Manager, Diary with            
  321.                                | Scheduler & To Do list, user-defined         
  322.                                | Menus, Hypertext Book compiler, Clock,       
  323.                                | Calculator, Calendar, Screen blanker,        
  324.                                | some Games, and lots more.                   
  325. LABMSTR.ZIP    132185  06-22-93  Label Master v1.0: Professional label        
  326.                                | program for DOS. With Label library          
  327.                                | database for saving label information        
  328.                                | for mailing lists, etc.                      
  329. LAWFIRM.ZIP    275030  06-01-93  Create your own legal documents.             
  330. LEGAL8_B.ZIP   386370  11-10-93  YOUR PERSONAL LEGAL GUIDE v8.0:              
  331.                                | Excellent source of legal information        
  332.                                | that also has an artificial intelligence     
  333.                                | legal forms and document generator. One      
  334.                                | of the top selling shareware programs        
  335.                                | for the past few years. It's easy to         
  336.                                | understand and very useful. Software         
  337.                                | everyone should own.                         
  338. LITTLE11.ZIP   194629  08-18-93  LITTLE LISTS v1.1: Simple database           
  339.                                | program. Create, view, print, import,        
  340.                                | export DBF or comma-delimited files.         
  341. LMAXQ125.ZIP   213464  06-26-93  Lasermax For Quicken v1.25 Micro             
  342.                                | Encoded Checks. Prints Micro Encoded         
  343.                                | Checks On Any Ordinary HP Laserjet           
  344.                                | Compatible Printer. It Works With            
  345.                                | Quicken 4, 5, Or 6 To Turn Blank Check       
  346.                                | Stock Into Complete Checks Suitable For      
  347.                                | Signing. It Can Print Seven Different        
  348.                                | Styles Of Checks Including The Quicken       
  349.                                | Classic Laser Standard  And Quicken          
  350.                                | Classic Laser Voucher Checks.                
  351. LOAN443.ZIP     48976  08-25-93  Loan amortizer and analysis. Does all        
  352.                                | the normal things plus lets you compare      
  353.                                | the contract you now have against the        
  354.                                | market by present valuing the contract       
  355.                                | at market  rates. Each pay period can        
  356.                                | have extra payments - once or continuous     
  357.                                | - PLUS interest rate changes each            
  358.                                | period. Fill in the blanks. Loans to 1       
  359.                                | $Billion.                                    
  360. LOG21.ZIP      173885  09-01-93  DAILY LOG BOOK v2.1: Personal diary          
  361.                                | with calendar, search/print options,         
  362.                                | macros, cut/paste editing, optional          
  363.                                | password protection. Subjects may be         
  364.                                | separated in up  to 99 log books.            
  365.                                | Calendar views one or six months and         
  366.                                | shows what days have entries. Flexible       
  367.                                | user options, context sensitive help,        
  368.                                | Windows friendly.                            
  369. LOGMKR22.ZIP    26212  06-30-93  LogMaker - Date & Time Utility v2.2.         
  370.                                | Record data & time when your PC is           
  371.                                | turned on. Record last completed a file      
  372.                                | backup of your hard disk. Great way to       
  373.                                | keep track of when PC is used.               
  374. LP125.ZIP      198751  06-26-93  Lasermax For Pacioli v1.25: PrintsMicro      
  375.                                | Encoded Checks On Any Ordinary HP            
  376.                                | Laserjet Compatible Printer. It Works        
  377.                                | With Pacioli To Turn Blank Check Stock       
  378.                                | Into  Complete Checks Suitable For           
  379.                                | Signing. It Can Print Seven Different        
  380.                                | Styles Of Checks Including The Quicken       
  381.                                | Classic Laser Standard, The Pacioli          
  382.                                | Classic Laser Voucher.                       
  383. MONEYWOR.ZIP   277708  05-15-93  MoneyWords: A comprehensive & practical      
  384.                                | online guide to the language of business     
  385.                                | on Main Street USA; its entries define       
  386.                                | every type of business concept, term, &      
  387.                                | technique that you are likely to come        
  388.                                | across in your daily quest for profit;       
  389.                                | covers a wide range of mgmt, accounting,     
  390.                                | real estate, borrowing, import/export,       
  391.                                | going public, and general business           
  392.                                | terminology; mouse is recommended.           
  393. MORT106.ZIP    144156  07-08-93  The Mortgage Analyzer v1.06: Contains        
  394.                                | Options For Amortization Schedules, Loan     
  395.                                | Qualification, Refinancing, Mortgage         
  396.                                | Acceleration, Side By Side Mortgage          
  397.                                | Comparisons, And Mortgage Related            
  398.                                | Calculators. Schedule Detail Is Monthly      
  399.                                | Or Annual, Calendar Or Fiscal,               
  400.                                | Cumulative Or Non-Cumulative, Whole          
  401.                                | Dollars Or Cents. Tax Analysis, Daily        
  402.                                | Interest, Points. Multiple Clients.          
  403. MORT113.ZIP    154321  10-20-93  THE MORTGAGE ANALYZER v1.13: Contains        
  404.                                | options for amortization schedules, loan     
  405.                                | qualification, refinancing, mortgage         
  406.                                | acceleration, side-by-side mortgage          
  407.                                | comparisons, and mortgage related            
  408.                                | calculators. Schedule detail is monthly      
  409.                                | or annual, calendar or fiscal,               
  410.                                | cumulative or non-cumulative, whole          
  411.                                | dollars or cents. Tax Analysis, Daily        
  412.                                | Interest, Points, etc.                       
  413. MOS107.ZIP     203422  05-11-93  Mail Order System 1.07 is an order           
  414.                                | entry program that combines invoicing,       
  415.                                | inventory control, and commission            
  416.                                | tracking. Orders can be recalled by          
  417.                                | invoice number, name, phone,  or ZIP         
  418.                                | code. It saves "sold to" and "shipped        
  419.                                | to" addresses, "shipped via"                 
  420.                                | information, and payment types.              
  421. MOTEL152.ZIP   382511  10-25-93  MOTELMAX v1.52s: Hotel/Motel                 
  422.                                | Management, Front Desk, Check-In,            
  423.                                | Accounting, GL, Reports, & More.             
  424. MRKTSRCH.ZIP   228559  06-09-93  MarketSearch v3.2: A stock market            
  425.                                | analysis program. The Shareware version      
  426.                                | contains all of the Fortune 500 Stocks       
  427.                                | listed on the New York Exchange. The         
  428.                                | program includes value  line analysis,       
  429.                                | Fortune 500 ranking, industry codes,         
  430.                                | industry descriptions, Company name and      
  431.                                | symbol. Data includes 12 years on all        
  432.                                | companies.                                   
  433. NY1119.ZIP      58479  11-20-93  NYSE Advance/Decline Line NYSE New           
  434.                                | Highs & Lows NYSE 4-day STIX indicator       
  435.                                | NYSE 7-day STIX indicator.                   
  436. OA93_4C.ZIP     44875  08-04-93  Opportunity Awaits! Fall '93-C. Learn        
  437.                                | how to start your own business. Whether      
  438.                                | you want to run a mini-golf course, sell     
  439.                                | shoes, or even balloons, this program        
  440.                                | has information that can help you get        
  441.                                | started. It has hundreds of sources of       
  442.                                | companies that have the products/            
  443.                                | information that you need. Shareware.        
  444. OMS23C.ZIP     276529  11-15-93  OMS v2.3 ASP Organizational Management       
  445.                                | System for non-profit organizations.         
  446.                                | Modules for membership, dues and             
  447.                                | contributions, and fund accounting, with     
  448.                                | an optional report writer.  Extensive        
  449.                                | mailing capabilities, tracks dues            
  450.                                | renewals, other contributions, prints        
  451.                                | membership cards, contribution               
  452.                                | statements, and so much more.                
  453. PA307.ZIP      152780  07-01-93  Public Address v0.5p Full Featured           
  454.                                | Address Manager! Public Address Is A         
  455.                                | Data Base Program Designed To Be Easy To     
  456.                                | Use Yet Have Every Feature Someone Would     
  457.                                | Need Around The Home Or In A Small           
  458.                                | Business. Does Labels, Envelopes,            
  459.                                | Report, Phonebook, Merge File, etc.          
  460. PAGEIT18.ZIP    15061  08-17-93  v1.8: Send messages direct to alpha          
  461.                                | numeric pagers and save dispatcher fees.     
  462. PAPD56.ZIP     310322  05-17-93  Painless Payroll: A Full Payroll System.     
  463.                                | Modules Include Payroll Reports, Files,      
  464.                                | Closing, & Utilities. Features Include:      
  465.                                | Federal And All 50 States With Tables,       
  466.                                | Automatic Interface Into Painless            
  467.                                | Accounting, Context Sensitive Help,          
  468.                                | Interface, User Definable Check Printing     
  469.                                | Forms, W2's And 1099's Printed.              
  470. PCM_V13.ZIP     41902  08-13-93  Quietly monitor PC activity in company       
  471.                                | to justify placement. Excellent PC           
  472.                                | managers tool when method is needed to       
  473.                                | monitor productivity of various work         
  474.                                | stations.                                    
  475. PDEPRI41.ZIP   244890  06-06-93  ProDev EPRICE v4.10: (1 of 1) Works          
  476.                                | with ProDev QUOTE to convert Trade           
  477.                                | Service (USA, UK & Australia) price          
  478.                                | service files to the ProDev QUOTE file       
  479.                                | formats. Used by Electrical, Plumbing,       
  480.                                | Heating & Air Conditioning contractors       
  481.                                | in USA and Electrical in the UK. With        
  482.                                | complete documentation.                      
  483. PREME46.ZIP    561400  05-24-93  Professional real estate management          
  484.                                | program. Tracks prospects, clients, ads,     
  485.                                | appointments, letters, mortgages,            
  486.                                | foor plans, and more. PROPOSE IT! v2.0 -     
  487.                                | PC. Close that sale, win that bid, or        
  488.                                | get that pet project approved. A             
  489.                                | professional appearing proposal can mean     
  490.                                | the difference between success and           
  491.                                | failure. Files pre-formatted in              
  492.                                | Wordperfect 5.1, MS Works 2.0 and ASCII.     
  493. P_FC30.ZIP     275791  05-15-93  Profit Focus v3.0: On-line diagnostic        
  494.                                | expertise to support managers in making      
  495.                                | their businesses more profitable. If         
  496.                                | you're publicly traded and this is the       
  497.                                | kind of advice you rely on, lemme know       
  498.                                | so I can short your stock, eh?               
  499. QTAX04.ZIP      98762  11-05-93  QuickTax v1.04 (ASP): A super tax            
  500.                                | planner and estimator. Ideal for client      
  501.                                | interviews by Tax Professionals. New         
  502.                                | 1993 tax laws. Get the most from             
  503.                                | deductions, credits, IRAs, savings           
  504.                                | plans, pensions, social security,            
  505.                                | capital gains, dividends and interest.       
  506.                                | Get filing status, dependencies,             
  507.                                | withholding allowances and estimated         
  508.                                | payments right. Automatic prompts!           
  509. RENTAL.ZIP     228723  08-15-93  POS System for Computer and Hardware         
  510.                                | Rental stores. Handles 100,000 Items and     
  511.                                | Customers. Tracks the Item return dates      
  512.                                | and generates Customer and rental            
  513.                                | reports. Canadian, UK and  US vs             
  514.                                | available. Works with standard Accpac        
  515.                                | invoice paper. Supported by Author.          
  516. S3FRGN21.ZIP    80646  08-12-93  S3 Foreign Mailing Preprocessor (SFP)        
  517.                                | v2.1: utility to identify country names      
  518.                                | in either delimitted, or fixed-length        
  519.                                | ASCII data files & then add the ISAL         
  520.                                | code and/or geographic location.             
  521. SALARY11.ZIP    23893  11-02-93  Salary vs Hourly v1.1: program will          
  522.                                | calculate how much you make an hour.         
  523. SAM310.ZIP     230873  10-01-93  SAM: Schedule & Appointment Maker,           
  524.                                | v3.10. Makes and manages appointments        
  525.                                | while tracking the schedules of up to 6      
  526.                                | staff members. Up to 32,000 clints;          
  527.                                | 2,800 appmts.                                
  528. SCED4V17.ZIP   493777  06-01-93  Scheduler 4000 employee daily                
  529.                                | scheduler.                                   
  530. SHARETRK.ZIP   468881  01-15-94  SHAREWARE TRACKER v3.0: A computerized       
  531.                                | office system for shareware authors. It      
  532.                                | keeps track of registered users,             
  533.                                | submissions, revenue and expenses.           
  534.                                | Update, tech support, subscription           
  535.                                | sales, and more.  Mail-merges letters        
  536.                                | and labels. User-defined and pre-defined     
  537.                                | reports, and much, much more.                
  538. SIM2NL.ZIP      63627  06-08-93  SIM2NL v1.0: Add-in program to               
  539.                                | integrate NONLIN 2.3, a powerful             
  540.                                | nonlinear multiple regression program        
  541.                                | into SIMSTAT, an easy and powerful           
  542.                                | statistical package. Mouse support,          
  543.                                | context sensitive help, Requires Simstat     
  544.                                | 2.1 and Nonlin 2.3. FREEWARE.                
  545. SMS9311A.ZIP   339598  07-02-93  Shareware Marketing System v93.11: Over      
  546.                                | 4,000 addresses of disk vendors. Plus        
  547.                                | addresses for BBS, computer clubs,           
  548.                                | international agents, key contacts. MUCH     
  549.                                | MORE Public Brand Software Trophy award.     
  550.                                | Address list in dBase format. (1 of 2)       
  551. SMS9311B.ZIP   379353  07-03-93  Shareware Marketing System. (2 of 2)         
  552. SOLVE_IT.ZIP    53120  06-01-93  Excellent financial calculator. TSR          
  553.                                | capable.                                     
  554. STREEV15.ZIP    42021  11-05-93  Screen Tree v1.5: Alternative to             
  555.                                | printing large business reports. For         
  556.                                | Info-Sys shops that desire to cut down       
  557.                                | on their paper use. The Screen Tree          
  558.                                | process is easy & reliable.  For IBM &       
  559.                                | compatibles monitors from Mono-VGA           
  560.                                | Utility Alternative To Paper Noprint.        
  561. ST_BGT18.ZIP   352442  08-25-93  ST-BUDGET v1.8: Budget Tracking System.      
  562.                                | A fully functional budgeting & tracking      
  563.                                | system designed for Corporate, Education     
  564.                                | Institute & Professional use. Features       
  565.                                | include: User-defined Entity groups          
  566.                                | (i.e. Departments, Projects) and Multi-      
  567.                                | level chart of account, numerous methods     
  568.                                | to track budgets & actuals, consolidate      
  569.                                | by selected group, online summaries,         
  570.                                | numerous reports and utilities.              
  571. SWT310A.ZIP    173743  10-18-93  SHAREWARE TRACKER v3.10 <ASP> (1 of 2)       
  572.                                | Business and record keeping office           
  573.                                | system for shareware authors. It keeps       
  574.                                | track of registered users, submissions,      
  575.                                | revenue and expenses. Update, tech           
  576.                                | support, subscription sales, and more.       
  577.                                | Mail-merges letters and labels.              
  578.                                | User-defined and pre-defined reports,        
  579.                                | and much much more. Requires a hard          
  580.                                | drive. DOS 3.3 or higher.                    
  581. SWT310B.ZIP    304712  10-18-93  SHAREWARE TRACKER v3.10 <ASP> (2 of 2)       
  582.                                | Business and record keeping office           
  583.                                | system for shareware authors. It keeps       
  584.                                | track of registered users, submissions,      
  585.                                | revenue and expenses. Update, tech           
  586.                                | support, subscription sales, and more.       
  587.                                | Mail-merges letters and labels.              
  588.                                | User-defined and pre-defined reports,        
  589.                                | and much much more. Requires a hard          
  590.                                | drive. DOS 3.3 or higher.                    
  591. TASK30.ZIP     180048  03-20-93  TASK PRO: Introducing TASK-PRO the           
  592.                                | project management system that you'll be     
  593.                                | glad to use every day. Features full         
  594.                                | mouse support context sensitive              
  595.                                | hypertext help. Prioritizing and             
  596.                                | monitoring task assignments, tracs           
  597.                                | personnel, processes timesheets.             
  598.                                | Displayed in multi formats sorted in         
  599.                                | several sorting orders, open, pending,       
  600.                                | late or closed task.                         
  601. TASKMSTR.ZIP   328217  05-31-93  Task Master v2.4c: An all-purpose            
  602.                                | project tracking program. With it, you       
  603.                                | can create a file of projects,               
  604.                                | assignments, etc., edit the file, search     
  605.                                | for specific records, browse through         
  606.                                | the file, and print reports in any of        
  607.                                | several formats.                             
  608. TASKTIME.ZIP    26732  07-05-93  Track time spent running different           
  609.                                | programs.                                    
  610. TIKLER53.ZIP    67697  08-05-93  Tikler v5.3: Easy event reminder.            
  611.                                | Supports European date format,               
  612.                                | passwords, encryption. Runs in nonTSR        
  613.                                | mode, conventional TSR mode or  swapping     
  614.                                | TSR mode (using only 7k). Automatic          
  615.                                | event duplication by year, month, week,      
  616.                                | bi-weekly or same day each month. Gives      
  617.                                | advance notice of upcoming  events any       
  618.                                | number of days before they occur. Color      
  619.                                | or Mono. 256k memory.                        
  620. TIMECLKI.ZIP   317605  04-26-93  TimeClock I v2.3s: PC and LAN ready          
  621.                                | Employee Time clock. Eliminates time         
  622.                                | card tabulation. Adds Keyboard/Barcode       
  623.                                | input, Bulletin board, Employee              
  624.                                | Messages,  Status Board, Post-facto          
  625.                                | entry, Job/ Client labor report,             
  626.                                | overtime and more! Track office              
  627.                                | assignments, correspondence, projects,       
  628.                                | tasks and other work easily.                 
  629. TIMETRAK.ZIP   268596  06-01-93  This is a program to allow you to track      
  630.                                | time and tasks related to a project.         
  631. TMC24C.ZIP     338895  05-18-93  Schedule Task Master v2.4: Easy-To-Use       
  632.                                | Project Tracking Program. Keep Track Of      
  633.                                | Office Assignments, Correspondence,          
  634.                                | Projects, Tasks, And Other Work Easily.      
  635.                                | Tm Provides  Several Report Options, An      
  636.                                | Appointment Calendar, Popup Calculator,      
  637.                                | And More! Network Ready!                     
  638. TRAXU1.ZIP     373859  08-23-93  TRAXX Point of Sale System: (1 of 2) For     
  639.                                | retail businesses. Prints receipts,          
  640.                                | adjusts inventory, prints price labels,      
  641.                                | posts incoming orders, generates             
  642.                                | reorders, cash drawer reconcilliation,       
  643.                                | inventory analysis, consignment sales        
  644.                                | and more. DOS based, no added hareware       
  645.                                | required. U.S. version.                      
  646. TRAXU2.ZIP     371911  08-24-93  TRAXX Point of Sale System: (2 of 2)         
  647.                                | For retail businesses.                       
  648. TRAXXCA1.ZIP   374527  08-25-93  The Canadian version of TRAXX Point of       
  649.                                | Sale Complete DOS based inventory            
  650.                                | manager. (1 of 2)                            
  651. TRAXXCA2.ZIP   372035  08-25-93  Canadian v2.00 of TRAXX Point of Sale.       
  652.                                | (2 of 2)                                     
  653. TRENCH18.ZIP   260560  09-22-93  TRENCH v1.08: Contractor Trench              
  654.                                | Estimating For Labor, Material, And          
  655.                                | Production Costs.                            
  656. TREPLN21.ZIP   190600  08-12-93  TREEPLAN for DOS v2.1:  Decision tree        
  657.                                | software for structuring risky               
  658.                                | decisions. Show sequence of decisions        
  659.                                | and events over time. Print tree             
  660.                                | diagrams. Solve for optimal  strategy.       
  661.                                | Perform sensitivity analysis of              
  662.                                | probability, value, and risk attitude.       
  663.                                | Find value of information.                   
  664. TRKIT303.ZIP   370779  04-10-93  Track-It v3.03: Easy to use                  
  665.                                | Inventory/POS package. Includes a wide       
  666.                                | range of inventory functions, invoicing,     
  667.                                | order entry, PO's, over 35 reports, 4        
  668.                                | pricing levels, & tracks serialized          
  669.                                | stock. B-Tree style indexing for fast        
  670.                                | data access. Full mouse, network, and        
  671.                                | multi-user support.                          
  672. TSP_GA.ZIP     133616  06-07-93  Traveling Salesperson Problem                
  673.                                | Simulator. Genetic Algorithm is Used.        
  674. UNITCST1.ZIP   131312  10-29-93  Unitcost v1.0: Price jobs on a per unit      
  675.                                | cost.                                        
  676. VERSACAL.ZIP   150520  06-01-93  VersaCal calendar program. Very nice.        
  677. VIEWFLX.ZIP    187333  08-28-93  This program is a visual rolodex for         
  678.                                | VGA or better terminals.                     
  679. VMSYS27.ZIP    247592  08-30-93  VMSYS PLUS v2.7: Vehicle management          
  680.                                | system. Keeps track of 2 vehicles.           
  681.                                | Includes: mileage graph, MPG graph,          
  682.                                | warranty expiration, trip logs, oil          
  683.                                | change history, repair history, graphs,      
  684.                                | reports. Miles and Kilometres scale          
  685.                                | (S.I. Standard)                              
  686. WEBSTER6.ZIP    36862  08-03-93  Webster T.E.P. (Transitional Employment      
  687.                                | Pgm) v1.6: small, simple database for        
  688.                                | storing helpful information about the        
  689.                                | employee (with the handicapped in mind),     
  690.                                | & about the company where he/she may be      
  691.                                | placed.                                      
  692. WFUND35.ZIP    231413  11-20-93  FundExpert v3.5 for Windows: Portfolio       
  693.                                | management program for investors in          
  694.                                | mutual funds, bonds and stocks. Contains     
  695.                                | many useful and unique features.             
  696. WHIZ20.ZIP      91150  11-05-93  The Whiz: Smart catalog system, for          
  697.                                | those wanting to become a distributor of     
  698.                                | a product but could not find a catalog       
  699.                                | 'engine' that would do what  you wanted.     
  700.                                | Well, here it is!                            
  701. WSCHED.ZIP      52936  08-31-93  This is a handy little program that          
  702.                                | helps keep care of business when you are     
  703.                                | not sitting in front of your computer.       
  704.                                | It's like having an assistant that           
  705.                                | faithfully does their tasks day after        
  706.                                | day without fail.                            
  707. WSTATUS.ZIP    324261  06-06-93  Work Status 2.1 by TARDIS DP                 
  708.                                | Consultants. An integrated business          
  709.                                | package that combines EMail, phone           
  710.                                | messages, and a network user directory/      
  711.                                | phone book. It also allows network           
  712.                                | users to keep track of each other's          
  713.                                | availability (At Lunch, In Meeting, Out,     
  714.                                | etc                                          
  715. WVH23.ZIP      258074  06-28-93  What Vehicle History? v2.3: Vehicle          
  716.                                | Service History Tracking And Reporting.      
  717.                                | Tracks One or A Fleet of Cars, Trucks,       
  718.                                | Tractors, Big Rigs, Etc.; Mechanics,         
  719.                                | Departments, Cost of Parts, Labor, Etc.      
  720.                                | Reports Include Maintenance History,         
  721.                                | Billing. Major Update Hundreds of            
  722.                                | Enhancements and New Features.               
  723. XTIMLOG2.ZIP   189850  06-08-93  XTimelog v2.0: Provides A Way to Create      
  724.                                | And Maintain A Database of Your Time         
  725.                                | USAge on A Number of Projects. A             
  726.                                | XTimelog Database Consists of A Set of       
  727.                                | Projects That You Create And Name.           
  728. YS102.ZIP      167776  07-14-93  Your Stocks v1.2 A personal stock            
  729.                                | portfolio manager. This program tracks       
  730.                                | all you stock purchases and sales. Your      
  731.                                | portfolio is summarized, showing the         
  732.                                | values of all  purchases and easily          
  733.                                | expanded to show the individual buys.        
  734.                                | Makes tax time very easy. Stock prices       
  735.                                | are easily updated from quotes in the        
  736.                                | newspaper giving you your current            
  737.                                | portfolio worth.                             
  738. ZHORNO14.ZIP   377407  09-14-93  Z-hour-neau: schedular/calendar v1.4.        